Agents will be the ultimate champions for social movements, by coordinating, tracking, and rewarding contributions from humans, institutions, and other agents
■ Massive Global Philanthropy: Over $800B donated worldwide each year (Charities Aid Foundation). Capturing even 1% of that funding via platform or management fees yields $8B annual flow
■ Inefficiency & Transparency: Up to 30% of global humanitarian funding is lost to administrative overhead (World Bank). Automated due diligence and on-chain transparency could drastically reduce waste
■ On-Chain Giving on the Rise: Crypto donations topped $300M in 2021 (The Giving Block); an agent that seamlessly integrates crypto can tap into fast-growing donor pools
■ Always on 24/7, never discouraged
■ Autonomous reasoning to verify crowdsourced contribution to the cause, including content, ideas, code, volunteering effort, and optimise allocation of resources
■ Personalised persuasive communication with humans, institutions, and other agents
■ Scalable coordination across all contributors by having global awareness of all ongoing projects
■ Crypto to collect global donations, as seen with covid-crypto relief fund and Ukraine DAO
■ Novel tokenomics to reward contributors, e.g. engage-to-earn with agent verification
■ Agent can control funds onchain for impact investing and resource allocation
■ Prediction markets to track progress and as oracles for outcomes
■ Network Effects: As more donors, volunteers, and open-source projects join, the agent becomes the trusted hub for social impact
■ Data Moat: Proprietary data on project outcomes, volunteer metrics, and donor preferences creates a feedback loop, improving results over time
■ Social & Brand Lift: Positive societal impact can attract large sponsors, government partnerships, and major foundations—further fueling growth